Spread Operator we spread the original array or object without changing it // example 1 : object const animal = { status: 'healthy' } ...
ES6 Iterable like an array It consists of key-value pairs like an object However, unlike objects, maps can have any value as a key (Objects can...
for ...in loop Can only access 'key' of an object Repeat all iterable properties of an object var obj = { "a": 1, "b": 2, "c":...
What I've learned Web page : A document that displays images, texts, videos and other content in the web browser Website : A collection of webpages...
Format // Function Expression const expression = function () { console.log('this is a function expression); } // Function Declaration function...
After installing Node.js.. npm init // entry point: server.js npm : Use to install libraries npm init : Make package.json package.json :...