Map Object
Iterable like an array
It consists of key-value pairs like an object
However, unlike objects, maps can have any value as a key (Objects can only have strings or symbols as a key)
use methods to insert & delete values
let jane = new Map(); // insert with "set" method jane.set('id', 0); jane.set('name', 'jane'); jane.set('major', 'international studies'); jane.set('age', 27); // can also set with two dimentional array let amy = new Map([ ['id', 1], ['name', 'Amy'], ['major', 'art'], ['age', 30] ]); //access Map with "get" method jane.get('age'); // 27 // delete with "delete" method jane.delete('age'); // true (return boolean based on status) // clear all properties in Map with "clear" method jane.clear();
Why use?
Sometimes, using other data types than string or symbol as a key can be easier to understand
const errorMsg = { 404: "No such page", 500: "Server error" } const errorMsg = new Map ([ [404: "No such page"], [500: "Server error"] ]) errorMsg.404 // unexpected number error errorMsg["404"] // "No such page" errorMsg.get(404) // "No such page"
using methods makes it easier to understand the intended action
can use for ...of loop
let amy = new Map([ ['id', 1], ['name', 'Amy'], ]); for (const [key, value] of amy) { console.log(key, value); // id 1 // name Amy }